National Resources
Tobacco-Free Campus Resources
National Tobacco Free College Campus Initiative
Looking to make your campus tobacco-free? Already tobacco-free, but need to improve compliance? This site is FULL of examples, model policies, research, enforcement strategies and answers to emerging issues.
Vermont Department of Health
The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) Tobacco Control Program helps raise awareness about the negative impact of tobacco use on Vermonters and our communities, through education, technical assistance, and funding for prevention and cessation efforts. VDH collaborates with the National and Regional Tobacco Free College Campus Initiative and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for research, guidance and implementation of best and promising practices around tobacco free college campuses. They provide guidance for community coalitions to support efforts at their local colleges via assessment, technical assistance, and training.

Find a full list of VT coalitions on the Local Support page. In addition, VDH offers free metal signs (limit 2 per school) to promote your smoke-free or tobacco-free zone! See the sign guide for details and options. Use the order form to request your signs. Signs are available in two sizes and can be customized with your school's logo.

802Quits 802 Quits - FREE Smoking Cessation Help
Vermont has proven resources to help smokers quit. 802Quits offers free smoking cessation support and resources to all Vermont residents, including students in residence at Vermont colleges and universities.

802Quits also offers tips and free tools to support quitting with counseling help or quitting on your own.

Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights
This organization provides up to date information on no-smoking ordinances, policies, and laws for both indoor and outdoor areas across the nation. You can use this resource to help demonstrate to others the increasing policy changes that limit exposure to secondhand smoke.
American College Health Association
Position statement on tobacco on college and university campuses.
US Department of Health and Human Services
Information about the health consequences of smoking, national resources to quit, and relevant research.