Tobacco Free College Campus Summit Success

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Preventing smoking among youth and college students could be the key to a smoke free generation

On February 4th, 2015 college and university representatives along with health professionals and prevention advocates attended the Tobacco Free College Campus Summit at the UVM Davis Center to examine the benefits of smoke and tobacco-free policies and learn more about ways colleges nationwide are protecting students from a lifetime of death and disease. Participants from across VT heard from national representatives for this issue as well as representatives from other colleges in New England that have implemented successful tobacco free policy changes.

Here are the speakers and the PowerPoints they presented at the Summit:

Cliff Douglas-NationalTFCCI

Allison_Giroux-UVM Student





For more information about the Summit or the Vermont Tobacco Free College Campus Initiative contact:

Mariah Sanderson, Statewide Coordinator
Vermont Tobacco Free College Campus Initiative
Office: 802.652.0997
Cell: 802.881.9227